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2.8) The policy is clearly aligned with other relevant policies (e.g. behaviour, safeguarding, SEN, acceptable use)

Rating description: 

  • Fully met: The policy links with and references other relevant policy such as the behaviour policy, SEN policy, acceptable use policy, inclusion policy, safeguarding policy, health and safety policy, complaints policy
  • Partially met: The policy references some relevant policies but not all
  • Not yet met: The policy makes no reference to other school policies


It is important that your policies are joined up a reference other policies. These could include:

  • Safeguarding (it is vital you include information about when a bullying incident might be needed to be escalated to a safeguarding issue)
  • SEN/disability
  • Inclusion
  • Equality
  • Health and safety
  • Behaviour
  • Attendance
  • Complaints

Resources and examples: 

You can see tools and case studies in the attachments section below. 

All Together schools have said: 

All policies are reviewed annually and staff who are resonsible for each policy liase with eachother to ensure that all policies are aligned.  This year when staff have been reviewing their policy they have emailed other staff members who it may link to before creating the final draft therfore staff members can discuss any adaptations that need to be made.  

Policies that are linked are the:  Behaviour, Safeguarding, Equalities, PSHE and Citizenship, Confidentiality, SEN and Online Safety policy.