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2. School policy

2.1) We have an up-to-date anti-bullying policy (or behaviour policy which includes anti-bullying) that is reviewed annually with involvement from pupils, staff and parents

2.2) The policy is easy to understand for pupils, parents and staff

2.3) The policy has a clear definition of bullying that is understood by all members of the school community

2.4) The policy sets clear expectations on pupil, staff and parent conduct (including physical contact and online conduct)

2.5) The policy references the Equality Act 2010 and shows our commitment to preventing and responding effectively to the bullying of protected and vulnerable groups of children including disabled children / children with SEN, those who are or perceived to be LGBT, race and religion targeted, sexist and sexual bullying

2.6) The policy references action to prevent and respond to  bullying outside of school (e.g. cyberbullying, journeys to and from school)

2.7) The policy includes strategies to prevent bullying  and typical response strategies

2.8) The policy is clearly aligned with other relevant policies (e.g. behaviour, safeguarding, SEN, acceptable use)

2.9) The policy includes a range of methods by which pupils and parents can report bullying (including a named contact)

2.10) The policy is available in school and on the school website. It is also communicated via numerous means to pupils, staff and parents at least annually